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Massasoit Community College Archive & Special Collections: Timeline

Our Community writing our history.

About the Timeline

The Massasoit Community College Archive Timeline is a collection of important events related to the creation and history of Massasoit Community College from 1947 to present day. The Timeline features a "From the Students" blurb that includes highlights and featured articles from student newspapers over the years to represent student life and campus events Massasoit students were concerned with at that period of time. The full student newspapers are viewable by appointment in the Archive and are full of delightful stories, pieces of history, and ads from the time of publication.


  • A study of the need for higher education in the Commonwealth is undertaken by the State Board of Education, planting the seed for the future Massasoit Community College.


  • The Massachusetts Board of Regional Community Colleges (now Massachusetts Community Colleges) is created by the legislature to develop and execute an overall plan for regional community colleges.

  • In October, 1958, Massachusetts Governor Foster Furcolo signs into law his bill, Chapter 605: An Act Establishing a Massachusetts Board of Regional Community Colleges and Providing for the Establishment of Regional Community Colleges, which establishes a system of community colleges for Massachusetts.


  • The proposal to bring a community college to the Brockton area is brought before the Brockton School Committee by George M. Romm, Chairman of the Education Committee of the Brockton Chamber of Commerce. 


  • Announcement that a community college will be located in Brockton, Massachusetts as a result of a feasibility study conducted by the Brockton Chamber of Commerce (now Metro South Chamber of Commerce) with the combined efforts of area school committees and Representative Peter C. Asiaf and Senator James F. Burke.


Massasoit Community College - 1st Year

  • Dr. John W. Musselman is appointed the first President of Massasoit Community College (Presidential term 1966-1978)
  • Phillip B. Melody is appointed the first Dean of Massasoit Community College
  • In September, 1966 classes begin in the Charles M. Frolio School, North Abington, Massachusetts with 358 students and 22 faculty.


Dr. John W. Musselman

President 1966-1978

From the Students:

  • A student run newspaper begins at Massasoit under the name The Quill.


  • March 21st, Governor Volpe signs the Bill allowing the City of Brockton to take land for Massasoit Community College.
  • A proposal was voted and passed for 3 projects on the east side of Brockton; a new elementary school, housing for the elderly and Massasoit Community College
  • The library is started on the North Abington Campus.


  • Mayor John E. Sullivan signs over 100 acres of land to President John Musselman for the future site of Massasoit Community College scheduled for completion in September of 1970.
  • On Sunday, June 9, 1968, Massasoit Community College held its first commencement; graduating 137 students with their Associate Degrees.
  • In September, 1968, additional campuses are established at the former Howard School for Girls in West Bridgewater and the Mirimar School in Duxbury. 

From the Students​:

  • Students advertise a meeting for the Ipsedixit, a student run literary publication. Ipsedixit, or Ipse Dixit refers to a dogmatic and unproven statement in literature.
  • An advertisement to join the college Chorus.
  • These photos of professors ran in the 1991 student paper as "flashback" to what their current teachers looked like.



  • Fall, 1969 Massasoit Community College begins the fourth year of operating on two temporary campuses- West Bridgewater and North Abington.
  • On October 28, 1969, Massasoit Community College breaks ground for the first five buildings at what is to become the Brockton Campus.

Pictured from left to right: John Costello, David E. Crossby, Peter Asiaf,

Anna P. Buckley, Rubert Cataldo, and John W. Musselman.


  • Massasoit Community College Foundation incorporates to secure funding to the college for student scholarships and special projects.
  • On May 8, 1970, 250 faculty and students march for peace after the fatal shooting at Kent State University and the escalating tensions in Southeast Asia. 

From the Students

  • Dear Mr. Fantasy is a student advice column.
  • Nurses wear caps as part of their uniforms that announces where they go to school.
  • Massasoit of the 1970’s is very active as this breakdown of the student activity fee shows.


  • New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC) awards 10 year accreditation. 
  • On February 8, the student council passes a 3 point war resolution and sends a copy to Senator Kennedy and Congressman Keith.
  • In April, 350 students at the Massasoit Duxbury campus sign a petition supporting the People's Peace Treaty which calls for: a cease fire, the withdrawal of American forces from Southeast Asia, the return of all American prisoners of war, and the setup of a coalition government with legitimate elections.

From the Students​

  • The beginning of what will become the Massasoit Police Department.
  • An anti-war ad runs in the student paper during the final few years of the Vietnam War. The Student Newspaper runs many such ads and columns in opposition to the war.
  • A look at what 1971 spring students are doing.
  • The new tennis team at Massasoit reaches out for members.


  • The Brockton Campus of Massasoit Community College opens with the completion of Phase I of the construction and Phase II of the construction begins on the Brockton Campus.
  • "Project Mainstream" (known today as the Latch program) starts at Massasoit Community College. Dr. Marilyn Maxwell is the director.

From the Students

  • The student paper is renamed the Furthur.
  • Advertising for “College Night,” an event where students planning to attend four year colleges could ask questions.
  • Erotic Enlightenment was a series of articles published in the student newspaper. The author provided quirky facts and references to literary works that dealt with sexuality.
  • When Nixon is elected for his second term in office, members of the Further were less than thrilled.


  • The Women’s Resource Center (WRC) opens.
  • Massasoit celebrates “Massa Day."
  • "Project Mainstream" is renamed as "Latch"

From the Students

  • An aerial shot of the new Massasoit Brockton Campus. This picture is featured as a full page spread in the college newspaper.
  • The new “Mini Gym” opens to students.
  • A dedicated column to the Veterans on campus. To the column’s left, a student poem.
  • A dual article for the Chess Club and congratulating the Women’s Intramural Tennis player that references Billy Jean King. 


  • Allen Ginsberg, poet, author, and a leading figure of the Beat Generation, addressed an enthusiastic audience of Massasoit students and community members in the Student Center on April 2, 1974.
  • House Representative Margaret Heckler gives the commencement address to the graduating class on May 31, 1974.

From the Students​

  • A Soccer team forms at Massasoit and looks for members via the Further.
  • Students are very vocal on their thoughts of the new campus. Future articles will detail expansions, additions, and landscaping changes made to the college.
  • Some of the articles in the student newspaper are of a more humors sway.
  • An article that details the problems the student run yearbooks are having. The next edition of the Further sees the restarting of the yearbook committee.


  • The Massasoit Campus in 1975.
  • Jim Craig played hockey for Massasoit Community College in 1975-1976. Jim is best known as the goalie on the 1980 U.S. Olympic hockey team who defeated the Soviet Olympic team and went on to win the gold medal for the United States team.

From the Students

  • Student government becomes a big focus in the school paper around this time. As opposed to the rebellious behavior the paper had once condoned, voting, participating, and student involvement were heavily encouraged.
  • While the early 1970’s Further heavily runs articles on the topics of the war and marijuana, 1975’s stories transition more to the issues dealing with Alcoholism. Self-polls on drinking and information on Alcoholics Anonymous are common. Pictured here is an image in the Further on the grave seriousness of Alcoholism.
  • This article ran on April 1st but it was no joke when someone calls the Massasoit switch board with a bomb threat.
  • A re-occurring student coffee house night opens under the name, The Friends of Rivendell.


Massasoit Community College - 10th Year

  • ​​Spring 1976Angela Davis visits Massasoit Community College as a paid speaker organized by the Continuing Education Student Activity Committee. Her visit sparked controversy on campus due to her philosophies and the speaker fee.


From the Students

  • The student paper renamed the Massanger.
  • WRSH was the college radio station run by students; pictured is a look at their weekly lineup.
  • The Massasoit Little Company Theatre preformed the Sorcerer’s Apprentice to great success.
  • A local bar hosts the yearly Massasoit Talent Show.
  • The poet, artist, and liberal activist, Lawrence Ferlinghetti speaks at Massasoit.
Massanger News article; Angela Davis


From the Students

  • A story covering a car theft at Massasoit.
  • March continued to be a rough month in 1977 when a mob vandalizes a door on campus.
  • Students ponder the new sculpture on campus.
  • In November of 1977, the student paper is briefly renamed  The Barely Adequate or just simply, The Adequate before becoming The Voice.


  • In the Fall, 1978, Phase II construction was completed and occupancy took place.
  • On November 22, 1978, Dr. George E. Ayers was appointed the second President of Massasoit Community College. (Presidential term 1978-1982)
  • The Massasoit Senior Center opens (now named the Center for Lifelong Learning)

From the Students

  • Students closely follow the developments of the Brockton College’s development.
  • John Musselman gives a farewell interview to a member of the Voice.
  • Editors of The Voice strongly encourage students to write into the paper. As a result, many hot topics of the time are discussed such as feminism and the role of women in society and sports.


  • New Theater Arts Program begins in September at Massasoit Community College. 

From the Students

  • The long awaited pool opens.
  • Enrollment reaches new highs at Massasoit.
  • Massasoit is gifted a telescope.


  • MCC Self-Development Laboratory at Massasoit (SLAM) opens education to those without high school diplomas. 
  • On September 8, 1980, Massasoit Community College opens the Continuing Education Program for Nurses. At the time, this was a first of its kind.
  • The Board of Regional Community Colleges was replaced by the Board of Regents of Higher Education (subsequent to reorganization of all the boards.)

From the Students

  • In 1980 it looked to many Americans that President Jimmy Carter would reinstate the draft. The student newspaper talked about the possibility in many of the issues. Additionally, it seemed like women too would be required to serve as this article highlights.
  • Also, an advertisement for a poet coming to Massasoit.
  • Photos of registration lines in September of 1980.
  • What did the election of Ronald Reagan mean to students of Massasoit?


From the Students

  • In February, the student newspaper is renamed Cornucopia before switching back to The Voice the following September.
  • A student writes an article on the recently assassinated John Lennon.
  • 1981 was an active year for sports.


  • Dr. Gerard F. Burke is appointed Dean of the College. (Presidential term 1883-1996).
  • Representative Peter G. Asiaf is awarded the Massasoit Community College Distinguished Service Award.
  • Boston State College faculty and staff join Massasoit Community College.
  • February 23, 1982, the Writing Lab opens with sponsorship by the English Department.

From the Students

  • A small article on the growing popularity of video games and on one cherry-chasing dot muncher in particular.
  • A cartoon showing what at least one student thought of the parking situation in 1982.


  • Dr. Gerard F. Burke is appointed the third President of Massasoit Community College. (Presidential term 1983-1996)
  • Marguerite Donovan, Dean of Students, and Gerald Reese, Dean of Admissions, founded Massasoit's Phi Theta Kappa chapter, Alpha Kappa Upsilon.
  • Academic Resource Center (ARC) opened in the Fall.
  • The Children’s Center at Massasoit opens.
  • The Choices program began at Massasoit Community College.
  • Melvin S. Louison awarded the Massasoit Community College Distinguished Service Award.

From the Students

  • A nice recap of the Warriors 1983 year with a fantastic action shot.
  • The Massasoit Little Theatre advertises for the The Wizard of Oz.
  • A student writes a nice outlook of what was to come for Massasoit.

Dr. Gerard F. Burke, President 1983-1996


  • First Telecourses are offered: Heritage:Jews and Civilization and The Brain. Telecourses are a course of study presented on television for local home viewers receiving credit at a community college.
  • The International Touch Club began, meeting every Friday at noon during the school year.

From the Students

  • A full page article of the bumper-stickers of Massasoit.
  • A small column that brings awareness to the underground popularity of role playing games.


  • Blue Hills Technical Institute (founded in 1966) merges with Massasoit and becomes the Canton Campus.
  • The Massasoit Community College Board of Trustees signed a contract with the Division of Capital Planning and Operations (changed to Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance or DCAM in 1999) and Hospital Efficiency Corporation for a ten year pilot project in energy conservation designed to pay for capital improvements at the College and save 1.4 million dollars in energy costs during the ten years.
  • President Dr. Gerard Burke announced that Massasoit Community College will have its own cable television station. Massasoit is the first educational institution in the state to have control over a local cable television channel.
  • Massasoit is one of 63 colleges in the nation awarded a grant of $182,932.00 meant to improve the quality of education.

From the Students

  • The Valentine’s Day edition of the paper contained several pages worth of personal ads. At the heart of them was Phoofla, a re-occurring sarcastic rabbit.
  • Massasoit’s Fall Fair.


Massasoit Community College - 20th Year

  • New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC) awards 10 year accreditation.

From the Students

  • The Challenger explosion which rocked America unsurprisingly also effected the students at Massasoit Community College heavily. No less than 5 stories ran in the February edition of The Voice.
  • A workshop on AIDS and how it would affect dental professionals. By the Early 90's, the issue of AIDS was being frequently discussed in the Massasoit college life.
  • A small article on smoking in the student lounge.
  • A full page spread showing off the Blue Hills Campus.


  • Massasoit becomes the first public two year college to adopt a core curriculum. A pilot program is held in the spring semester with full implementation expected the following September.
  • Massasoit Community College, Cape Cod Community College, Bridgewater State College and the Plymouth school system are offering vocational training and college courses to the unemployed through the Plymouth College Center.

*Archivist's note: The Archives does not currently possess any student newspapers from 1987. If you have any information on obtaining copies of this year or any others, please contact the Archivist at the Massasoit Community College Library.


  • Dr. Ernest L Boyer, President of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Learning spoke at Massasoit Community College. In his speech he congratulated Massasoit for its initiative in academics, especially the adoption of a core curriculum for the times.

*Archivist's note: The Archives does not currently possess any student newspapers from 1988. If you have any information on obtaining copies of this year or any others, please contact the Archivist at the Massasoit Community College Library.


  • Dedication of the Senator Anna P. Buckley Fine Arts Center at Massasoit Community College, Brockton campus on October 18, 1989.

*Archivist's note: The Archives does not currently possess any student newspapers from 1989. If you have any information on obtaining copies of this year or any others, please contact the Archivist at the Massasoit Community College Library.


  • The Senior Summer Institute begins.
  • Massasoit establishes new records with a 9% gain in applications and a 6% increase in enrollment.
  • Board of Trustees approved contract with Unisys Corporation of Wellesley for financing for an upgrade of the computer system to state-of-the-art technology.

From the Students

  • A member of Massasoit plays an important role in the founding of the “Boys and Girls Club” of Brockton.
  • The International Touch Club hosts an event to celebrate Mexican culture.
  • The paper advertises the existence of the radio and television stations.


  • Higher Education Coordinating Council (HECC) replaces the Board of Regents of Higher Education.
  • Massasoit President Gerard F. Burke announces that Massasoit has become the first community college to enter into a memorandum of agreement with the Soviet Union. The agreement will set the stage for discussions with the Supreme Soviet officials for a community college system in that country.

From the Students

  • Rape became a widely discussed topic at Massasoit as this paper from 1991 shows.
  • Two photos: The Women’s Softball team and the Men’s Baseball team.


  • Special Jubilee Performance Series marks Massasoit’s 25th year.
  • Gala - 25th Anniversary Dinner Dance, May 8, 1992 at Christos II (now The Conference Center)
  • Members of the Massasoit faculty and staff formed the Massasoit Silver Savoyards to perform The Mikado for the 25th anniversary celebration.
  • Massasoit takes part in hands-across-the sea program and teams with Ireland in the Wider Horizons/ International Vocational Training Program.
  • Pictured below: A map of the campus as it appeared in the student newspaper.

From the Students

  • This Valentine’s Day edition of the paper becomes a heavily sought after issue with its erotic and provocative images of the time.
  • What were the students of 1992 getting up too?
  • 1992 was a big year for students who smoke because all buildings became smoke free zones.


  • The first early childhood conference brought hundreds of day care specialists and educators from across New England to Massasoit.
  • Dr. Gerard F. Burke was honored by Temple Israel as “Brockton’s Best of ‘93” for his contributions to the city.
  • Massasoit opens The Job Placement Center; this program is the first of its kind - designed to help students find work while attending college and upon graduation in their chosen fields.

From the Students

  • Two articles: The left informs the paper’s readers of a new publication journal, The Vortext. The right is a column warning students about AIDS spreading through colleges.
  • The students on the Canton Campus build a storage garage for school credit.
  • An article on how to use those new 1993 computers in the new lab.


  • Massasoit moves to a “one-college concept” merging with the Continuing Education division to form one hierarchy of leadership.
  • Marguerite Donovan, Dean of Students retires after 14 years.
  • The Dental Assistant Program in Canton received full approval on its accreditation status.

From the Students

  • Massasoit continues its long history of the theater with Guys and Dolls.
  • Once upon a time, dialing out of the campus was a dream to Massasoit until this upgrade of the phone systems. Funny to think that in a few years, with the growth of the internet the lines would need to change again.


  • Jack Williams, co-anchor of WBZ Channel 4 News spoke at Massasoit’s commencement ceremony
  • Richard Frye is awarded a Massasoit Community College Honorary Degree
  • In the Spring, the first All-College Planning Meeting takes place.
  • Tom Frizzell chosen as the Division 2 Northeast District Coach of the Year by the American Baseball Coaches Association.

From the Students

  • The Top of the Rainbow club hosts a video conference for Black History Month.
  • Massasoit updates its mission statement. Also, an ad for a pager service.
  • The Gay-straight Alliance, having formed two years prior, creates a safe zone badge.


Massasoit Community College - 30th Year

  • New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC) awards 10 year accreditation.
  • Board of Higher Education replaces HECC.
  • Awarding of Choices Scholarship approved by Board of Trustees.
  • Massasoit Theatre Company produced two plays: Romeo and Juliet in April and Damn Yankees in November.

From the Students

  • An adult student shares her experiences.
  • By 1996 computers were common place enough to warrant a mandatory class.
  • Public awareness about a recycling program at Massasoit.


  • Dr. Robert Rose is appointed fourth President of Massasoit Community College. (Presidential term 1997-2001.
  • The Proactive Learning Assistance Network (PLAN), a part of the U.S. Department of Education’s “TRiO Student Support Services” (SSS) Federal Program, started at Massasoit Community College.
  • The Conference Center opens, offering 7200 square feet of meeting space for local businesses and other community organizations. 
  • Julian Bond (Horace Julian Bond, 1940-2015) was an American social activist and leader. His April, 1997 appearance at Massasoit Community College drew attention across the Brockton community. His presentation was sponsored by Massasoit's Top of the Rainbow Club, advised by Professor Barbara Napoli.

From the Students

  • The International Touch Club departs for a trip to Washington D.C. and the student paper covers the “Choices” program.
  • The new president is welcomed to Massasoit and interviewed.
  • Police bicycle patrols begin on Massasoit.
  • The “AGLAS” advertises their club meetings.

Dr. Robert Rose


  • The SeniorNet program began at the Massasoit Senior Center.  
  • On October 17, 1998, the 1st Annual Massasoit Community College Gala is held, a fund raising activity run by the Massasoit Gala Committee and the Massasoit Foundation, Inc.  
  • Weekend class offerings start.
  • Massasoit Baseball goes into post season play as #1 NJCCA team in the nation.
  • Alzheimer exhibit and program received Certificate of Commendation from Brockton Mayor Yunits.
  • Julian Bond addresses Massasoit community on April 3rd in the Student Lounge.
  • Kids College offered during the summer.

From the Students

  • A student covers the fascinating history of what came before Massasoit.
  • A vampire themed short story runs in the student newspaper.
  • Parking issues and cramped spaces continue to be a problem for the growing campus.
  • A new student representative is appointed to Massasoit.
  • The radio club battles ongoing problems.


  • Massasoit Community College purchases license for WebCT (now Blackboard Learning Management System), an online proprietary virtual learning environment system.
  • The Student Union is renamed Student Center.
  • Massasoit hosts Teaching and Learning Conference in February 1999


  • February 2000; Elaine Brown visits Massasoit and speaks to the Brockton campus community.
  • On March 4, the 2nd Annual Massasoit Community College Gala, “Carnevale” is held – the Gala is a fundraising activity run by the Massasoit Gala Committee and the Massasoit Foundation, Inc.
  • "The Associate, a newsletter for alumni and friends of Massasoit Community College" is published.
  • Massasoit Community College joins the Old Colony Library Network.
  • Massasoit Theater Company presents PicnicLend Me a Tenor and Oklahoma!
  • Community College Presidents initiate statewide Distance Education Program.


  • February, 2001; Dick Gregory (1932-2017) visits Massasoit Community College to deliver lecture on behalf of the Top of the Rainbow Club and Professor DiNappoli.
  • On March 3rd, the 3rd Annual Massasoit Community College Gala, “An Evening In Paris” is held – the Gala is a fundraising activity run by the Massasoit Gala Committee and the Massasoit Foundation, Inc.
  • In April 2001, Choices is awarded the “Exemplary Program Award” by  the Senior Affairs Council of Massasoit Community College.
  • First online course is offered (course is taught completely online).
  • Marine Trade Program offered for the first time.
  • Banner and Collegis services  acquired and Banner “goes live” on July 1.
  • Massasoit's Gwen Barnes, Chosen as Massachusetts' PTK Outstanding Centennial Scholar.
  • In response to the tragedy of the world Trade Center in New York, on Sept. 11 the college closed at 10:45am.
  • Massasoit Theater Company presents “The Odd Couple" and  “West Side Story”


  • Dr. Charles Wall is appointed fifth President of Massasoit Community College. Presidential term 2002-2017.
  • First blended course offered (course taught partly in the classroom and partly online).
  • "Celebrating the Community of Massasoit," April 1 - May 1 - a month of events and activities
  • ESL offered in Plymouth, February 2002.
  • August; Akillian Gallery, Canton Campus is dedicated
  • Massasoit Theater Company presents The Crucible and Chicago.

Dr. Charles Wall, President 2002-2017


  • Milton Art Museum relocates to Massasoit Community College in 2003. It operates independently from Massasoit Community College Canton Campus by a voluntary Board of Trustees.
  • CONNECT, is established among six public institutions of higher education in southeastern Massachusetts. These institutions include: Bridgewater State University, Bristol Community College, Cape Cod Community College, Massachusetts Maritime Academy, Massasoit Community College, and the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth. 
  • Massasoit Theater Company presents “Cabaret”


  • Massasoit’s Math Team finishes the year in first place in AMAYTC’s Northeast Region (New England and New York). This marks the first time in Massasoit’s 7-year involvement that a team outside of NY took first place.
  • Information Literacy instruction classroom completed in the Brockton campus Library.
  • The Community Education non-credit Marine Technician courses started in the fall. This program was developed as part of a $50,000 Commonwealth Corporation grant aimed at an in-depth study of the workforce needs of the South coastal marine industry.


  • Dr. Charles Wall was awarded a grant from the Massachusetts and Rhode Island Campus Compact for the Student Civic Engagement-Presidential Activity Fund. 
  • A new Adult Basic Education Transitions Program has been funded by DOW for $60,000. The program will provide transition counseling and instruction for 12-15 ABE per semester.
  • Pharmacy Technician Training program was approved to begin in the Fall of 2005. The program was approved by the state Pharmacy Board of Registration and will consist of 120 hours of classroom instruction and 120 hours of on the job training.
  • Massasoit Theater Company presents “Gypsy”


Massasoit Community College - 40th Year

  • New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC) awards 10 year accreditation.
  • Massasoit Community College selects first title for One Book, One College selection: Devil in the White City: Murder, Magic, and Madness at the fair that Changed America by Erik Larson. Events and activities that occurred for the college community were framed around this title and included a book review, panel discussions, movie and game nights, a bicycle rally and rodeo, and a Physics of the Ferris Wheel contest!
  • December, 40th Anniversary/Holiday celebration: "the Many Faces of Massasoit" - a magazine developed by Massasoit students and staff to commemorate the 40 years Massasoit Community College has been educating students. The magazine features many photos of Massasoit's past and present (2006), faculty memoirs, and interesting facts in news and entertainment from 2006. Come see the printed copy of the magazine at the college's archive!
  • John M. Tosca, Jr. awarded a Massasoit Community College Honorary Degree and Presidential medallion for service.
  • Chris Tsaganis is awarded a Massasoit Community College Honorary Degree and Presidential medallion for service.


President Wall signed the American College and University Presidents Climate Commitment.

  • Massasoit Community College Sustainability Task Force formed in September, 2007.
  • Massasoit Community College students formed a sustainability club entitled Emerald E.A.R.T.H. (Ecologically Active Ready To Help).
  • Gala - The Many Faces of Massasoit “A 40th Anniversary Celebration of Massasoit” is held at the Conference Center on June 6, 2007.
  • Honorary Degree recipients: Jack Conway, President and CEO of Jack Conway and Company and the late Dr. John W. Musselman, (presented to his wife Mrs. Ellen Musselman on his behalf). Dr. Musselman was the first President of Massasoit Community College. (Presidential term 1966-1978).
  • Jack Conway awarded a Massasoit Community College Associate of Humanities Honorary Degree and Presidential medallion for service.
  • Dr. John Musselman awarded a Massasoit Community College Associate of Humanities Honorary Degree and Presidential medallion for service posthumously.


  • As of October 14, 2008, the Massachusetts General Laws were amended to designate the 15 community colleges in Massachusetts collectively as the Governor Foster Furcolo Community Colleges.
  • The Gala - “Making It At Massasoit" is held at the Conference Center on October 25, 2008, entitled “The Butler Did It Singing.” 
  • Gala - Silver Tea
  • Honorary Degree recipient Dr. Burton Polansky, New England Sinai Hospital
  • Sustainability Task Force and their Landscaping Subcommittee created a sustainable garden with native flowers and plants in the quadrangle area of the Brockton campus.
  •  In celebration of Earth Day 2008, the 1st  Annual Environmental and Energy Fair was held on the Brockton campus hosted by the Student Sustainability Club.
  • Dr. Burton Polansky awarded a Massasoit Community College Associate of Humanities Honorary Degree and Presidential Medallion for service.


  • The  First Annual Massasoit Arts Festival held at the Canton Campus on Sunday, May 24, 2009.
  • Gala - “Making It At Massasoit" is held at the Conference Center on October 24, 2009, entitled “GQ and The Lady”.
  • Presidential Medallions and Honorary Degree Recipients (1995 and 2009), Richard Frye, President of Frye Insurance Co. and Frye Real Estate Agency  and Gloria Striggles, Founder and President of many philanthropic and community organizations
  • In the Spring of 2009, the first “No Mow” area on the Brockton Campus was created as part of the Sustainability commitment to sustainable landscaping at the College.
  • Ann-Marie Burke, professor of Biology was awarded a Faculty Sustainability Mini-Grant. This grant involves incorporating sustainability of “green” elements into an existing course.
  • Massasoit’s production of Urinetown was nominated for 8 EMACT (Eastern Massachusetts Association of Community Theaters) Awards. Four awards were in the performance category and 4 behind the scenes.
  • Richard Frye awarded a Massasoit Community College Presidential Medallion for Service
  • Gloria Striggles awarded a Massasoit Community College Associate of Humanities Honorary Degree and Presidential Medallion for service.


  • Middleborough Center of Massasoit Community College opens at Dr. Lincoln D. Lynch School, Middleborough, Massachusetts; day, and evening credit courses are offered that will fulfill many degree requirements in Liberal Arts, Business, Criminal Justice, and Early Child Care. Campus tours for this location, as well as Brockton and Canton campuses are offered.
  • Gala - “Making It At Massasoit” is held at the Conference Center on October 23, 2010, entitled “Best of Broadway Review”.
  • Presidential Medallion and Honorary Degree Recipients, Manthala George Jr. and Jordan Rich.
  • Massasoit Community College was certified as an official Certified Wildlife Habitat by the National Wildlife Federation. This recognizes individuals and organizations who provide essential elements for healthy and sustainable wildlife habitats. Including: food sources, water sources, places for cover, places to raise young, and sustainable gardening practices.
  • Manthala George, Jr. awarded a Massasoit Community College Associate of Humanities Honorary Degree and Presidential Medallion for service.
  • Jordan Rich awarded a Massasoit Community College Associate of Humanities Honorary Degree and Presidential Medallion for service.


  • The 45th Sapphire Anniversary Gala Making it at Massasoit - on October 22, 2011 at the Conference Center
  • On Friday, June 3rd, Massasoit Community College held its forty-fourth Commencement exercises.
  • Presidential Medallion and Honorary Degree recipients E. Dennis Kelly, Jr., President and CEO of Bristol County Savings Bank and  Geraldine Creedon, Representative of the Eleventh Plymouth and Bristol Districts
  • Dr. Gerard Burke (Presidential term 1983-1996) received an Honorary Degree at graduation
  • Announcement of Massasoit Community College Children’s Center retention of its National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) accreditation.
  • The Helping Hands Club sponsored a Breast Cancer Walk on the Brockton Campus.


  • Gala - "Making it at Massasoit" on October 20th
  • Presidential Medallion and William J. Morse, President, Mutual Bank and Charles H. Tartaglia, Owner of George's Cafe
  • May 2, 2012; Massasoit Community College receives $50,000 @Scale Award to "sale up" Science Transfer Initiative.
  • Massasoit receives three-year grant of $199,943 from the National Science Foundation for a proposal to the Advanced Technological Education (ATE) Program for project titled "Pipelines and Pipets: The Massasoit Biotechnician and Undergraduate Research Initiative."
  • William (Bill) Mitchell named as Vice President of Administration/CFO


  • Gala - Everyday Heroes
  • On May 31, 2013 Massasoit honors local businessmen: William J. Morse and Charles H. Tartaglia at 46th commencement ceremony 


  • January 21, 2014; Massasoit hosts Senator Elizabeth Warren for a forum with students about the rising costs of college and financial aid.
  • 2014 Gala
  • Jane Auger and Paul Sullivan
  • "Wizard of Oz" is preformed
  • April 3, 2014; Massasoit Community College and the One Book, One College (now Community) Program welcomes author Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni of the bestselling book: One Amazing Thing.


  • January, Massasoit receives $28,100.00 for Commonwealth Dual Enrollment Partnership (CDEP)
  • Massasoit Community College and Norfolk County Agricultural High School Announce Veterinary Technician AAS Partnership
  • February 2015, Massasoit Community College Visual Arts Student, Kelly Maker, Artwork Chosen for National Juried Show: Monotype Guild of New England. Kelly’s submission “emerge” is the only featured work from a community college student.
  • March, Massasoit Community College launches new website. The site remains and features a new look along with new features, and improved navigation!
  • March 26th, One Book, One College welcomes Carlotta Walls LaNier author of A Mighty Long Way: My Journey to Justice at Little Rock Central High School
  • March 27th, Massasoit Community College hosts a Brockton area White Ribbon Event. The White Ribbon Campaign is an international movement of men and boys working to end violence against women and girls, and to promote gender equity and healthy relationships.
  • Gala - Portraits of Success, October 24, 2015
  • April 22nd, Massasoit hosted a dedication of the Dale Dorman Radio Studio at Massasoit. Mr. Dorman’s family donated his entire radio studio to the Massasoit Community College Foundation for use by the communicative arts program, complete with signed records and memorabilia.
  • May 8th-17th, Massasoit Theatre Company presents Oliver!, a musical adaptation of Charles Dickens’ Oliver Twist.
  • Massasoit Community College Visual Arts Professor Liangshu Han has been selected for the 2015 Asia/Next – Poster Experimental Design Exhibition Competition. 
  • May 29th, Massasoit Community College graduated its second-largest class in its 48-year history.
  • Randolph High School Seniors graduate with diploma and Emergency Services Certification through Massasoit's partnership with a customized Emergency Responder Program
  • Massasoit Police Department Recognized Among Top 25 Departments in the Nation

Carlotta Walls LaNier

Graduates with Scott Meagherparamedic program director; State Representatives Ayers and Timiltyand Fire Chief Richard Donovan.

Massasoit Community College Police Department

Massasoit Community College Police Department



Massasoit Community College - 50th Year

  • Massasoit Students Wendy Bier-Swanson, Michael Coleman, Rebecka Pinkham and their professor, Linda Dunn win big at Speedball Art Products New Impressions Printmaking
  • April 21stMassasoit Community College Foundation Receives $50,000 donation from the New England Sinai Hospital Charitable Foundation in memory of former New England Sinai Hospital Board of Trustees member Jerald S. Savage.
  • May 2nd Massasoit’s Ubuntu Scholars program is proud to welcome author, award-winning filmmaker, hip-hop artist, and tenured professor, MK Asante for a keynote discussion of his best-selling memoir Buck.
  • June 3rdMassasoit Community College held the 49th commencement ceremony graduating 904 students; the 6th largest class in Massasoit history.
  • June 22nd, Massasoit Community College held a groundbreaking ceremony for the new Veterinary Technology Clinical Instruction Facility, to be housed on the college’s Canton campus.
  • Massasoit Theater Company Presents "Miracle on 34th Street"
  • Gala - "Portraits of Success", October 22, 2016

Groundbreaking of Vet Tech Facility at Massasoit Canton Campus


  • January, Massasoit earns Military Friendly Schools Designation for 2017
  • Massasoit earns Early College STEM Career Pathway Program Grant for Massasoit Community College and Brockton High School
  • March 30th, One Book, One College hosted Steve Pemberton (born Steve Klakowicz), author of A Chance in the World. The event, coordinated by Massasoit Libraries, featured two author-led book discussions and a keynote presentation by Steve entitled “The Advantage of Disadvantage: How to Transform Adversity into Action.”
  • April 25th, Massasoit Community College hosted the 2nd Annual Dale Dorman Radio and Digital Media Conference with special guest speakers from local and national media personalities.
  • May 4th, Massasoit’s Veterinary Technology Program (Canton) receives national accreditation by the American Veterinary Medical Association Committee on Veterinary Technician Education and Activities (AVMA, CVTEA).
  • June, Massasoit was awarded a $649,999 grant from the National Science Foundation’s Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (S-STEM) program to support Massasoit’s project, STEM Scholars Associates
  • Presidents Wall (MCC) and Clark (BSU) signed an agreement establishing the MCC2BSU program
  • July 14th, Massasoit received word that its accreditation by New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC) has been continued for the next 10 years.
  • William A. Mitchell, Vice President for Administration/Chief Financial Officer named Interim President, effective September 1st. Mr. Mitchell was selected by the College’s Board of Trustees at their regular board meeting on Wednesday, June 21st and later approved by Massachusetts Commissioner of Higher Education, Carlos Santiago. (Interim-Presidential term 2017-2018).
  • November 7th & 8th, Haitian author Edwidge Danticat visits Massasoit for the One Book, One College event. The Massasoit Libraries coordinated a discussion of Danticat’s book Breath, Eyes, Memory.
  • Massasoit Receives Grant from the Baker-Polito Administration to Drive New College Access, Affordability, Digital Learning Initiatives.
  • Massasoit Theater Company presents “A Raisin in the Sun” 

Dr. Rachel Daniels & Edwidge Danticat

Steve Pemberton

Presidents Wall & Clark



  • January, Massasoit's Paramedic Program of the Middleborough Campus earns national accreditation by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health.
  • February, Massasoit's annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration feature keynote speaker City Councilor at Large Jean Bradley Dernoncourt, a 2015 graduate of Massasoit Community College and the first Hatian-American elected to Brockton City Council.
  • April, ribbon cutting for the Engineering Lab on the Canton Campus features a visit from Lt. Governor Karyn Polito.
  • June, Massasoit graduates 903 in its 51st Commencement Ceremony.
  • June 19, 2018, Dr. Gena Glickman was confirmed by the Massachusetts Board of Higher Education as Massasoit's sixth president. Dr. Glickman is the first woman president to lead Massasoit Community College.

Ribbon Cutting Ceremony of Engineering Lab, Canton

Dr. Gena Glickman


  • January, Massasoit Community College was ranked in Top 100 Degree Producers by Diverse: Issues in Higher Education Massasoit is the only Massachusetts community college to appear on the list.
  • January 31st, Baker-Polito administration announced a Massachusetts Student Housing Security Pilot to provide dorm rooms to homeless students attending community college. The pilot launched included Bridgewater State University & Massasoit Community College.
  • February 27th, One Book, One Community Spring Kickoff: Suffolk County District Attorney Rachael Rollins speaks at the Buckley Performing Arts Center at Massasoit.
  • March 21st, Massasoit celebrated World Poetry Day, a UNESCO designated global holiday, with a series of events promoting poetry as a catalog for dialogue and peace.
  • April, Five Massasoit Community College students were named to Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society’s All-Massachusetts Academic Team. The Massasoit Community College’s honorees are: Kimberly Nashawaty of Pembroke, Camilla Miquelina of BrocktonKinga Auguste of Sharon, Janaine Moraes of Weymouth and Cheryl Moneghan of Middleborough
  • May 8th, Massasoit formally announces the college will have a presence in the soon-to-be constructed Department of Unemployment Assistance building at 226 Main Street in downtown Brockton. Lt. Governor Karyn Polito visited the city to make the announcement with Brockton Mayor Bill Carpenter.
  • May 3rd, Massasoit Community College was recently named one of the Safest Colleges in the U.S., according to the National Council for Home Safety and Security. Massasoit came in 95th on the list, coming out in front of hundreds of other U.S. colleges and ranked within the top 10 colleges in Massachusetts.
  • May 31st, Massasoit held 52nd Commencement Ceremonies graduating 894 students. This was the first commencement overseen by Dr. Gena Glickman, Massasoit's first female president.
  • August 15th, Massasoit and Curry College Partner to Offer Bachelor’s Degree Program in Nursing. The RN-BS program is the first offering as part of a University Center Model taking place on  Massasoit's Brockton Campus.
  • September 27th, Patricia Naughton, Director of Libraries retired after 20 years of service to Massasoit. A flash mob was held in the library to celebrate Pat's retirement.
  • October 3rd, Massasoit President, Dr. Gena Glickman's formal inauguration was held on the Brockton campus.
  • October 24th, Massasoit announces new branding with the new open book logo and color scheme - navy and goldenrod.
  • November 25th, Massasoit Library donates 140 sets of the March trilogy to One Book, One Community partners including Brockton High School, Blue Hills Regional Technical School, New Heights Charter School, Brockton Public Library, and the Abington Public Library. A $2,500 grant from Rockland Trust to the One Book, One Community program spurred the donation, and the Massasoit library matched the gift with its own funds to ensure that the message of March could extend far beyond Massasoit’s campuses.

Rachael Rollins

Suffolk County D.A. Rachael Rollins

Kinga Auguste, Cheryl Moneghan,   Camilla Miquelina & Kimberly Nashawaty

Left to Right: Kinga Auguste, Cheryl Moneghan

Camilla Miquelina & Kimberly Nashawaty

MCC and Curry College Partnership for Nursing

Presidents Gena Glickman 

Kenneth Quigley, Jr.


January, Massasoit Community College announces site visit for continuing accreditation of its Associate Degree Nursing Program by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN).

February, Massasoit student leader, Maya Burgess, president of the Canton Honors Speakers Bureau Club and member of the Pho Kappa honors society is named semifinalist for Jack Kent Cooke Transfer Scholarship. Burgess is one of 11 chosen from the state of Massachusetts.

February, Massasoit introduces in-Campus resources for Mental Health Counseling and Food Assistance available from the Massasoit C.A.R.E.S. (community assistance resources for educational success) available at the Brockton Campus with resources available from Women, Infants, & Children (WIC), BAMSI, Whitman Counseling, and The Pantry at Massasoit Community College.

February, Adedapo Azeez, Massasoit class of 2020 student, received the Liberty Mutual Insurance’s annual LEADA@Liberty Scholarship.

April, Ty Hawkins named NJCAA Division III Women's Basketball Player of the Year and becomes the first-ever NJCAA Player of the Year in the history of Massasoit Athletics! Hawkins also makes the All-American first team!

April, Massasoit Women's Basketball team has also received the Women's Hoops Captures Multiple Accolades from World Exposure Report.

April, Massasoit Women's basketball student-athletes Ty Hawkins, Shardajah Collins, and Alyson Reid all earned spots on the NJCAA Region 21 All-Conference Teams!

July, Dr. Glickman, sixth and first woman president of Massasoit Community College announces retirement.


January; Brenda Molife, Ph.D., Vice President of Outreach and Engagement at Bridgewater State University, has been named Interim President at Massasoit Community College. She will serve as president until a permanent replacement is named.

April 28th: 5 Massasoit Commonwealth Honors students – Chinelo Anagboso, Camryn Beals, Emma Coleman, Annabelle Torres, and Joseph Tramontozzi – were awarded with $500 Honor Garden Scholarships for their exceptional grades and winning application essays.

May; The Massachusetts Board of Higher Education has approved the appointment of Ray DiPasquale as the college's 7th President on May 18th, 2021.

June; June 11th: Massasoit virtually celebrated the graduation of 751 students during its 54th Commencement Ceremony. The ceremony can be viewed here.

July; College reopens and resumes in-person student services after COVID-19 pandemic closure from March 2020.

August; Ray DiPasquale will begin term as the college's 7th President.

November; Massasoit Theatre Company presents World War II Radio Christmas

December; The Massasoit Theatre Company presents World War II Radio Christmas that recreates the experience of attending a recording of a 1940s radio show broadcast on Christmas Eve during World War II. Using period songs and stories inspired by actual veterans, World War II Radio Christmas transports the audience to another time, brought to you by such generous sponsors as Vaseline Hair Tonic and Ipana Toothpaste. An inspiring look at strength in the face of hardship, this play is a reminder of the importance of coming together for the holidays. This production will be presented in the style of old time radio show with scripts in hand.

On December 6, 2021, four Massasoit Commonwealth Honors students – Cori Forbes, Jaden Hardiman, Ekechak Waters, and Lisa Jolliemore – were awarded with $500 Honor Garden Scholarships for their exceptional grades and winning application essays.


January; 741 students make Fall 2021's Dean's List

February; Massasoit to offer Transitional English for Speakers of other languages college prep to help unemployed and underemployed, non-native English-speaking adults begin their college journeys.

March; Massasoit STEM Students on teaching path now eligible for a $20,000stipend for their junior and senior years of college for a bachelor's degree in a STEM field, get their Mass teaching license and agree to teach at least 4 years at a high school in the state.

April; Massasoit awarded a $30 million higher education grant for Science, Nursing, and Allied Health building renovations.

April 21; Evening of Champions to benefit MCC's Marvelous Marvin Hagler Memorial Scholarship

May; May 26, Massasoit's 55th Commencement Ceremony was held at the Asiaf Field House

July; MCC receives a grant for workforce training

November; MCC Awarded $1.4 million to support higher education in Brockton, Ma.

December; James Dunphy appointed to MCC Board of Trustees, December 19th, MCC dedicates Julie Mulvey Court; MCC opens new South Shore Bank Center for Data Science & Analytics.

Julie Mulvey at Court dedication


January; MCC Announces Fall 2022 Dean's List with 686 students.

February; Stonehill College and Massasoit Community College Announce Transfer Partnership

April; Latch celebrates 50th Anniversary; MCC hosts award-winning poet Martín Espada for a poetry reading, question & answer session, and book signing at the College’s Buckley Performing Arts Center on April 28 in Brockton. The event is open to the public.

May; MCC hosts its first Black Graduating Student Recognition Ceremony on May 22, 2023 on its Brockton campus. The event, titled “Lift Every Voice,” is the first of its kind to honor Black-identifying graduates at a community college in Massachusetts.

June;  MCC announced its spring 2023 Dean’s List. The 697 students, representing dozens of communities across Massachusetts and four other states, have completed at least nine credits and earned a 3.40 GPA or higher. See the list: Spring 2023 Dean's List.

July; July 24th: this fall, MCC will offer students the opportunity to major in Black Studies. The two-year degree program is the first of its kind at a community college in Massachusetts and is designed to meet the growing interest for culturally responsive programs at Massasoit. Erica Rivers, a Brockton native and experienced leader, named Warriors Athletics Director.

August; Aug. 8th: this fall, eligible students will be able to attend MCC at no cost – tuition, fees, books, and supplies will be covered by MassReconnect, a new state program aimed at helping students ages 25 and older earn a community college degree or certificate. The fall semester at Massasoit begins on September 6.

November; MCC opened its Downtown Brockton location on Nov. 28 with a ribbon-cutting ceremony attended by local and state leaders. Located at 230 Main Street in a first-floor, 3,500ft section of the C. Gerald Lucey Building, the location offers state-of-the art space for College events, classes, and community programming.

MCC President Ray DiPasquale and Stonehill  President Rev. JohnDenning, C.S.C. signing agreement

MCC President Ray DiPasquale and Stonehill President Rev. John Dennin


January; MCC becomes the first two-year school in the state of Mass to allow students to gain degrees in Black Studies. With courses ranging from “Sociology of Race and Ethnicity” and “Contemporary Issues in the Black Community” to “The Black Arts Movement” and “The Civil Rights and Black Power Movement,” students at Massasoit can now pursue the interdisciplinary degree at the two-year school, both online and in-person.

February; Massasoit Theatre Company participates in Kennedy Center American College Theater Festival. The Massasoit Theatre Company Student Ensemble members, Coleen Malley (Little Women-with scene partner Alex Flanagan) and Sabrina Nedder (Othello-with scene partner Maggie Bastarache) were both selected to participate in the Irene Ryan Acting Scholarship Award Competition. Coleen and Sabrina both made it to semi-finals for the Irene Ryans. Student Ensemble member, Olivia Browne (White Christmas) was selected to participate in the Design, Technology and Management Expo for Stage Management.

March; MCC to host its third-annual Evening of Champions on Saturday, March 23, 2024 in the College’s Student Center on the Brockton campus. This signature fundraiser benefits student scholarships and recognizes “Champions” of the College and our community. This year’s honoree is Bob Rivers, CEO and Chair of the Board of Eastern Bank.

April; Massasoit President, Mr. Ray DiPasquale passed away. William A. Mitchell, Vice President for Administration and Chief Financial Officer, has been named Interim President, effective Tuesday, April 9, 2024. His appointment was made by the College’s Board of Trustees at a special board meeting on April 8 and approved by Massachusetts Commissioner of Higher Education Noe Ortega.

April; Massasoit students Arielle Samantha Anicet,  Ava-Kay Judy-Gay, Travis Lawrence, Chelsea Mukuria, Samuel Odunuga, Onyinyechukwu Chinonyerem Okoroji, and Oluwaseun Oseyemi Phifer, the Massasoit Community College Participatory Action Research (PAR) Team presented their research at the American Educational Research Association in Philadelphia with guidance from Dr. Tara Gully-Hightower.

May 16th; Massasoit hosts its second Black Graduating Student Recognition Ceremony. The event, titled “Lift Every Voice,” is the first of its kind to honor Black-identifying graduates at a community college in Massachusetts.

May 23rd; Massachusetts Commissioner of Probation Pamerson O. Ifill will deliver the keynote address at Massasoit Community College’s 57th Commencement Ceremony. Mr. Ifill, a proud Massasoit graduate and former chair of the Massasoit Board of Trustees, is the 10th Commissioner of the Massachusetts Probation Service and the first Black commissioner in the Probation Service’s 146-year history.

August; Massasoit Community College announces its spring 2024 Dean’s List. The 753 students, representing dozens of communities across Massachusetts and two other states, have completed at least nine credits and earned a 3.40 GPA or higher.

September 12th; Carl Kowalski, Ph.D., by Governor Maura Healey to the College’s Board of Trustees. Dr. Kowalski’s appointment fills the vacancy of Trustee Ann Sullivan, who recently concluded eight years of service to the Board.

November 14th; Massasoit Community College continued a tradition to honor former members of its Board of Trustees by planting a tree to recognize the service and leadership of Pamerson O. Ifill ’89. His tree is located on “Trustee Row” adjacent to the Asiaf Field House and across from where Massasoit hosts its annual Commencement Exercises.

.Groups of students sitting on a staircase.

Top row left to right: Travis Lawrence, Samuel Odunuga,

Tara Gully-Hightower, Onyi Okoroji. Bottom row left to right: Ava-Kay,

Judy-Gay, Oluwaseun Phifer, Arielle Anicet, Chelsea Mukuria

Pamerson Ifill Headshot

Pamerson O. Ifill Massasoit Alum; Delivered the 

keynote address at the 57th Commencement Ceremony.

Ifill was also honored in a tree dedication at the Brockton campus in November.