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SOCI232 - Sociology of Race and Ethnicity - Coole: Step 2

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The Discovery search box operates best when used with keywords. A way to start:

  • Search "people group" (African Americans) and "discrimination" or "prejudice" 
  • Add a specific institution to the above search: "educational discrimination" "media portrayal" 
  • Some types of discrimination and prejudice have specific terms of their own:
    • Anti-Semitism= Jewish discrimination
    • Red-lining/Gerrymandering- housing and voting discrimination, usually around African American communities, but now more encompassing to all minorities 
    • Affirmative Action- used in education and employment to ensure balanced and representative staff or student body
    • Think about other terms you have encountered in your class 

Tools in the Discovery search include:

  • Filters on the left for source type, specific subject, and year of publication 
  • Saving, emailing, and citing

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