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Computer Literacy: Software

This guide supports Massasoit students with limited practical computer experience,


Software = Programs & Applications: 
Coded instructions that tell the computer what to do


  • Many types of software:
    • Operating systems like Windows or macOS
    • Spreadsheets, word processing, email 
      and other business functions
    • Games, Drawing, Music
    • Internet browsers  
  • Some software is free; others cost money






Operating System = Platform Software - the software

that runs the computer


  • Windows - Microsoft - used in most Massasoit classrooms
    and American business settings

  • MacOS - Apple - mostly used in design industries like
    advertising, architecture & graphic design, etc. on
    MacIntosh Computers or "Macs"

  • ChromeOS - Google - developed from Linux -
    used by Chromebooks, a cheaper & less powerful
    laptop than a Windows-based one.  









Main Screen = displays customized shortcuts
to programs, websites, files & folders


  • On Windows desktops & laptops, click the windows icon  
    and the computer's start menu displays 

  • On tablets and smartphones, the start menu is the main screen


Settings = where you can customize your
computer's display, security, language, etc.




  • Network & Internet -  make sure you connect to Massasoit Secure




  • Accessibility - customize the size of text, cursor and
    other display settings,  audio functions, color schemes, Keyboard
    & eye control, etc.   




  • Taskbar - quick start for programs & apps most often used
  • Always at the bottom of screen


Applications = Programs:  software that performs
a specific task for a user.





Files -  an object on a computer that stores data, information, settings, or commands used with a computer program.


Three types of files: 

application files

data files

system files

File Extensions - identify the file type and the program needed to access it

.jpg = jpeg - image (open with Adobe Photoshop program)

.docx = Microsoft Word Document (open with Word program)

.pdf = portable document format  (open with Adobe Acrobat program)

.exe = executable file - adds a new software program to your computer

.html = webpage (open with an html editor)

Folders - organize your files  



Practice Mouse Skills and Typing: