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2018/2019 ~ One Book,One Community - Pushout: The Criminalization of Black Girls in Schools: Calendar of Events

Fall 2018 and Spring 2019, selection for our College and Community Read Progam

Overview of Upcoming Events

2018 Calendar of Events *


Fall Kickoff:

Rep. Claire Cronin
on Massachusetts Criminal Justice Reform Legislation


         Lee Nave, Citizens for Juvenile Justice 

         Brockton Community Agency Reception


         Faculty Lecture: Restorative Justice 

Judges Panel Discussion

          Art Exhibit: The Envelope Project (through December 24)


         The Envelope Contest (Dec 4-13)

2019 Calendar of Events *



           Spring Kickoff: Suffolk County D.A. Rachael Rollins


           Old Colony YMCA Youth Justice Women's Panel

 Book Drive for 11-18 year old girls, through April 30


           Spring Art Exhibit:                                                                            Old Colony YMCA Girls Detention Unit (through May)

           Monique W. Morris, Author Visit                                                        Pushout: The Criminalization of Black Girls in Schools 

* Refer to Google Calendar for exact dates and times
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February 27- Suffolk County DA Rachael Rollins- 3:00pm-4:00pm

Description: Join newly elected District Attorney Rachael Rollins, Massachusett’s first female person of color to hold this position, as she discusses her plan for reforming criminal justice in Massachusetts. Location: Large Theater, Fine Arts building. Q&A to follow.


March 20- Old Colony YMCA Youth Justice Women's Panel- 12:00pm-1:00pm 

Description: Celebrate Women’s History month by engaging with several professional women to discuss justice-involved girls in the Greater Brockton area. Co-sponsored by Massasoit’s Women’s Resource Center; lunch will be served. This event will take place in the Louison Board Room on the Brockton campus.


 April 24- Author Visit- Dr. Monique Morris

Description:Description: Dr. Morris’ lectures and Q&A sessions on Pushout: The Criminalization of Black Girls in Education during the day. The evening event including lecture, book signing & reception is open to the entire community. All of Dr. Morris's talks will take place in the Large Theater, Fine Arts building.

9:00am- Author Talk

11:00am- Author Talk 

5:00pm-8:00pm- Book Signing, Reception and Author Talk

Venue Information

Unless announced otherwise, all sessions with the author will be held in the Buckley Performing Arts Center.

  • The theater is located inside the performing arts center (Fine Arts (FA) Building)
  • Parking: there are three (3) parking lots adjacent to the building, which is located near the Crescent Street entrance of Massasoit Community College.
  • All events are free and open to the public. 

Directions to Massasoit College campuses