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CJUS403 - Criminal Justice Capstone: Explore Your Topic

Research Steps

  The research and writing process links and overlaps in multiple ways, especially with a seminal assignment such as a capstone paper.

Now that you have a calendar to plot out your deadlines, you are ready to step into the research and writing process. 

1. Choose your topic

  • This involves "pre-research" - you can start on the web and move into the library databases. 
  • Does your topic have enough sources? Are the right kinds of sources available to you? 
  • Is your research question to broad? Too specific? 
  • Watch the Search vs Research video to the right. This will give you strategies for refining your topic and getting you into the mindset of research. 

2. Refine your topic as you develop your research question

3. Begin your search in EBSCO Discovery, but I encourage you move toward Criminal Justice Abstracts with Full Text in order to get more relevant results. 

Research Strategies