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CJUS403 - Criminal Justice Capstone: APA

APA, 7th ed.

APA is the citation style of the American Psychological Association. It is most commonly used in the Social Sciences, Business, and Nursing.

APA citations usually follow this format:

Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Date). Title of the work. Source where you can retrieve the work. URL or DOI if available

Sample APA Citations


Lastname, Firstinitial. (Publication Year). Title. (Edition, report or volume number if provided). Publisher.


Lastname, Firstinitial. (Year). Title. Journal Name, vol(issue), Page range. DOI: (if no DOI use URL; no period after URL)


Lastname, Firstinitial. (Date). Title of page or section. Website Title. URL

In-Text Citations

Basic Format:
(Author's Last Name(s) or Organization, Year).

You must also have a corresponding full citation in your references list.


Jones (2015) writes that libraries are at the center of the college campus (p. 65).


Libraries are often considered to be at the heart of the college campus (Jones, 2015, p. 65).


"A focal point of the college campus is the library" (Jones, 2015, p. 65)

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How to Make a Hanging Indent- GOOGLE

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