Check with your instructor for course specifics first; however, generally informative speeches are about objects, processes, events, or concepts.
OBJECTS - An identification and then a discussion about an object and its benefits; i.e., a person, animal, structure, machine.
PROCESS - Instruction, step-by-step, on how something works, is made, or is done; i.e., how to bake a cake, build a birdhouse, use a software program, or fill out a FAFSA.
EVENTS - Information about something that has happened, is happening, or is expected to happen; i.e., the spread of the H1N1 flu virus, the history of the Afghan war, or an explanation of Ponzi schemes.
CONCEPTS - To examine theories, beliefs, or ideas; i.e., explain the theory that TV violence breeds violence or inform your audience about the Koran.
Content: Experts create accessible overviews of every person, issue, and topic imaginable with a wiki interface that makes it easy to get a broad perspective on your topic.
Content: News and periodical articles on a wide range of general interest topics.
Content: Combines the Encyclopedia Britannica plus Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary for both children and young adults.