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Development & Data
CIA's World Factbook
Includes sections on basic country data, government, transportation and transnational issues
UN Sustainable Development Report: Morocco
Statistical charts on a variety of indicators including education, health, sanitation, economics and gender equality
UN Human Development Report: Morocco
A summary measure for assessing long-term progress in three basic dimensions of human development: a long and healthy life, access to knowledge and a decent standard of living.
OECD International Development Statistics
Provides comprehensive data on the volume, origin and types of foreign aid and other resource flows from donor countries to recipient countries. It also provides comparative data on gender equality.
World Development Indicators: Morocco
World Bank's data hub for statistics on crime, environment, internet access, debt and much more
Regional Organizations
ICESCO - Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
Emanating from the Organization of islamic Cooperation, specializing in the fields of education, science and culture.
Arab Maghreb Union
Consolidates the fraternal relations which bind the Member States and their peoples; achieving the progress and well-being of their communities and defending their rights; The progressive realization of the free movement of persons, services, goods and capital between Member States;
UN Women - Development Fund for Women in Arab States/North Africa
One key focus is broadening the scope of women’s citizenship, leadership and political participation, especially in transition countries.
International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement
The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement is a global humanitarian network of 80 million people that helps those facing disaster, conflict and health and social problems. It consists of the International Committee of the Red Cross, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and the 192 National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.
Society & Customs
Everyday Life in Global Morocco by Rachel Newcomb
Following the story of one middle class family as they work, eat, love, and grow, Everyday Life in Global Morocco provides a moving and engaging exploration of how world issues impact lives. Rachel Newcomb shows how larger issues like gentrification, changing diets, and nontraditional approaches to marriage and fertility are changing what the everyday looks and feels like in Morocco.
Call Number: eBook
ISBN: 9780253029522
Publication Date: 2017
Moroccan Culture in the 21st Century: Globalization, Challenges and Prospects by Mohamed Dellal; Amar Sellam
What does Moroccan culture mean to a group of Moroccan academics at this decisive conjuncture and turning point of the 21st Century characterized by the advent and the shaking impact of the Arab Spring? How does culture, broken down in terms of intergenerational values, cultural identity related to language, language behavior, socio-political debate, the meaning of space and place, and the meaning of ancient festivals fare in today's Moroccan socio-cultural and socio-political contexts? Marrying theory and fieldwork, the authors tackle these themes insightfully using in-depth analysis and investigation.
Call Number: eBook
ISBN: 9781624177200
Publication Date: 2013