ASHRAEASHRAE, founded in 1894, is a global society advancing human well-being through sustainable technology for the built environment. The Society and its members focus on building systems, energy efficiency, indoor air quality, refrigeration and sustainability within the industry. Through research, standards writing, publishing and continuing education, ASHRAE shapes tomorrow’s built environment today.
Air Movement and Control Association (AMCA)Our mission is to advance the knowledge of air systems and uphold industry integrity on behalf of AMCA members worldwide.
Through education and active advocacy, we do our best to provide a forward-moving environment for each of our members. Above all else, we strive to advance the industry and improve the community that it encompasses.
Consortium for Energy Efficiency (CEE)CEE is the US and Canadian consortium of gas and electric efficiency program administrators. We work together to accelerate the development and availability of energy efficient products and services for lasting public benefit.
ASHRAE Design Guide for Low- to Mid-Rise Multifamily Residential Buildings by ASHRAE (Firm) Staff (Contribution by)"Provides foundational guidance for improving energy performance (of envelope, space-conditioning, ventilation, water-heating, lighting, and plug-load systems) and indoor environmental quality and promotes best practices for designing, operating, and owning dwelling units and common spaces in low- to mid-rise multifamily residential buildings, including high-performance and zero energy buildings"--
Call Number: eBook
ISBN: 9781947192195
Publication Date: 2020
ASHRAE GreenGuide by Tom Lawrence, Abdel K. Darwich, & Janice Means, eds.This fifth edition of ASHRAE GreenGuide is an easy-to-use reference with information on almost any subject that should be considered in green-building design. The GreenTips found throughout this edition highlight techniques, processes, measures, or special systems in a concise, often bulleted, format.
Call Number: eBook
ISBN: 9781939200815
Publication Date: 2018
ASHRAE Pocket Guide for Air Conditioning, Heating, Ventilation, Refrigeration - SI by ASHRAEIndoor air quality (IAQ) is one of many factors that make a dwelling healthy, comfortable, and functional. Good IAQ is nearly invisible; poor IAQ can have a negative effect on health and comfort. Achieving good IAQ throughout the life span of a home requires a commitment to indoor air quality when buying, renting, and designing and maintaining that focus throughout construction, operation, and maintenance. This guide addresses single- and multifamily dwellings, unrestricted by building size or HVAC system type. It was written by experts in residential IAQ and presents best practices to achieve excellent IAQ. It provides information and tools that residents, home designers, and builders can use to integrate IAQ into dwellings while addressing budget constraints and other functional requirements.
Audel Air Conditioning Home and Commercial by Rex Miller; Mark Richard Miller; Edwin P. AndersonThis guide will keep you cool Like its earlier editions, this fully updated guidebook is packed with practical information on installing, servicing, maintaining, and trouble-shooting air-conditioning systems. Whether you're an AC professional, an independent repair technician, or a cost-conscious homeowner, everything you need is here. Clearly organized and loaded with diagrams and illustrations, it's a vital addition to your toolbox. * Find concise, accurate information on installing and maintaining both residential and commercial systems * Understand the physics of air conditioning and filtration * Make accurate temperature measurements using various methods and devices * Work with room air conditioners, water cooling systems, and auto air conditioning * Learn about refrigerants, compressors, condensers, evaporators, and AC motors * Service, troubleshoot, and repair both old and new AC units
Call Number: TH7687 .M485 2004
ISBN: 9780764571107
Publication Date: 2004
HVAC Design Sourcebook by W. Larsen AngelThe design process HVAC load calculations Codes and standards Coordination with other design disciplines Piping, valves, and specialties Central plant equipment and design Air system equipment and design Piping and ductwork distribution systems Terminal equipment Noise and vibration control Automatic temperature controls Construction drawings