Community Colleges
Community Colleges are open access institutions wherein students can receive a quality education. The history of community colleges in the United States dates back to 1901. Massasoit Community College was founded in 1966. Massasoit Community College's mission statement underscores our desire to continue to be an institution centered on student success.
Massasoit Student Demographics
52% are students of color
65% are part-time
52% of students are 21 years or younger
26% are 22-29
22% are 30 years of age or older.
62% are female.
Enrollment and Credits
28% of credit students are enrolled in career programs;
52% are enrolled in liberal arts and sciences programs;
20% are non-degree students.
The FY2021 annual unduplicated headcount for credit students was 8,483 (3,179 FTEs).
Over 2,000 students annually enroll in non-credit community education or workforce development courses.
--From Massasoit's Institutional Research Department, 2021 Fact Sheet