For the Read-In scheduled on Friday, March 23rd, the Library created a scavenger hunt based on the errands in The Greasy Rider. Faculty have asked us about the scavenger hunt and whether it could be made available to classes studying the One Book selection. The race included visits to a computer and other spots in the Library to locate and record information and collect tokens for a prize. We do have a few tokens left, but could not offer them to all classes. However, the race could go on with some advance preparation. Directions and answer form are posted in the box on the right. If you are interested, please contact Jennifer Rudolph by email or at X1946.
This is a scavenger hunt game fashioned after the Amazing Race on television and the errands Iggy sent Greg on in the book, Greasy Rider. The task is to complete the 6 errands, collecting information to fill out the answer sheet and “tokens” to prove each task is completed. When finished with the scavenger hunt, students returned their answer sheets to a box at the front of the Library for a drawing. The tokens were kept as remembrances of the game and a task well done.