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Has an App
vido icon Kanopy
Has an App

Content Type:
Providers :


Content: Allows licensing of individual streaming films and documentaries from Criterion, Media Education Foundation, and the Performing Arts collection. 

More Info

 For faculty course support 

To include films from Kanopy in your Canvas course, browse to the desired film. Under the film, click on the Share button, then Copy Link.

As of October 2024, DO NOT COPY THE EMBED CODE. Embeds from Kanopy currently do not work in Chrome and Edge browsers.

About Kanopy: This service contains films that can be requested for class use, which the library can then license for 1 year.

Suggest a film: To make a film suggestion, search for a film or topic. Click on "Request Access" in order to show films that we do not currently have a license to. When you find the film you want, select it and fill out the "Request for Access" form.

Public Performance Rights

Any film from this collection may be shown in classes, both in-person and online. For campus-wide events, you may show any film that has the PPR symbol. To find films for on-campus events, search using the PPR filter.
