Congratulations... you made it through the program and now you are an RN! If the NCLEX-RN certification test is looming for you, take a look at this guide.
Fundamentals Success: NCLEX-style Q & A review by Patricia M. Nugent; Barbara A. VitaleFundamentals made manageable! Assure your mastery of the fundamentals of nursing while developing your critical-thinking, clinical judgment, and test-taking skills. Over 1,200 classroom-tested, NCLEX®-style questions--including more than 440 alternate-item-format questions prepare you for success now and on the Next Gen NCLEX®.
Call Number: eBook
ISBN: 9781719646840
Publication Date: 2023
Med-Surg Success by Christi D. DohertyAssure your mastery of medical-surgical nursing knowledge while honing your critical-thinking and test-taking skills. The huge volume of information you must master is organized into manageable sections divided by body systems and specific diseases. Each chapter is a self-contained unit. Over 2,000 questions, (including NGN-style and alternate-format questions) reflect the latest advances in medical-surgical nursing and the latest NCLEX-RN® test plan.
Call Number: eBook
ISBN: 9781719649735
Publication Date: 2025
Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing Success by Catherine Melfi Curtis; Audra Baker FegleyAssure your mastery of psychiatric mental health nursing knowledge while honing your critical-thinking, clinical judgment, and test-taking skills. 750 multiple-choice, alternate-format, and clinical judgment questions, organized by specific disorders, make a difficult subject more manageable.
Call Number: eBook
ISBN: 9781719649742
Publication Date: 2025
Pharmacology Success NCLEX-style Q & A review by Christi D. DohertyAssure your mastery of pharmacology knowledge while improving your critical-thinking and test-taking skills. Over 1,200 NCLEX®-style questions reflect the latest test plan, including the more difficult SATA format.
Call Number: eBook
ISBN: 9781719646017
Publication Date: 2023
Test Success: Clinical Judgment and Test Taking Strategies by F.A. Davis; Patricia M. Nugent; Barbara A. VitaleStrategies for a great start. Practice questions for success. Reduce the stress and anxiety you feel before an exam with test-taking strategies that really work. Practice questions introduce you to the NCLEX®-style questions you'll encounter throughout your nursing education while developing the critical-thinking and clinical judgment skills essential to success on the Next Gen NCLEX.